Our People
Our People
As a service-based business, our people are at the heart of our day-to-day operations and embody our passion for helping our customers in their time of need. We understand that to deliver results, it takes a unified effort and we pride ourselves on the training, support and engagement we provide to our people to help us provide an exceptional service and to achieve our goals.
Engagement and wellbeing
Th Group recorded exceptional results in its annual staff survey, ‘OwnIt!’, achieving our highest ever score of 81% vs. a ‘Gallups Exceptional Award’ winners global average top score of 72%. OwnIt! provides our colleagues with the opportunity to provide feedback in a number of different areas and have their say on the way things are done. The survey covers topics such as management and leadership, training and development, work/life balance and diversity.
Some of our top scoring questions included ‘Everyone in our business is treated fairly’ (93%) and ‘My manager cares about me’ (90%). One of the key outcomes from the 2023 survey was the launch of our ‘Fit for Work’ programme which was aimed at improving relationships, productivity and transparency of our workforce which is over 60% hybrid/remote as well as encouraging more face-to-face interaction to aid wellbeing. Some of the benefits we have seen from the programme are better control of workloads, increased support for new employees, retaining our values-based culture and ensuring our employees are clear about our vision and achieving company objectives.
Training and development
To effectively implement our strategy and to provide the best service possible for our customers, we need to ensure that we have a diverse network of experienced people that are curious to challenge the status quo and driven to develop their own skills and strengths:
- Consumer Legal Services has a dedicated Learning & Development team who are responsible for ensuring the continual development and improvement of our legal operational teams.
- We supported 3 of our colleagues with the completion of their legal apprenticeship programmes and for the first time, offered one colleague a training contract to become a qualified solicitor.
- The Group People Team offer a range of training and development opportunities for our wider teams. The continuation of our Pathway to Leadership (P2L) programme proved popular once again with 14 trainees devoting a combined 406 hours to their professional development.
- One of the highlights of 2023 was the launch of the Group’s Commercial Leadership Academy. This new development programme aims to support our middle managers to take on responsibilities towards a director level position. Topics covered in the year included developing and executing strategy, business finance, operations, performance and building strong teams.
“My Pathway to Leadership journey was an incredible experience. I was a newly promoted manager when I started P2L. It is designed to give people the tools to become the future leaders of the business. But for me, it was so much more than this. Not only did I learn the necessary skills to lead my team, but I became a more confident, empathetic and supportive manager. P2L has been the best experience in my career and I am honoured to have been given the opportunity to develop my leadership skills.”
“Attending P2L was really a transformational journey for me. It has completely bolstered my self-confidence, fuelled my career progression and honed my management skills. This leap led to a promotion for me, where I now utilise my learnings on a daily basis not only to support my new team but also to champion my own success. The skills that I learned through P2L will stay with me forever and have greatly supported my emotional development as well.”
Equal Opportunities and Diversity
We want our people to feel comfortable in being their true selves and strive to create an environment where everyone feels respected and heard. We were especially pleased with our OwnIt! scores this year with 84% of our people agreeing with the statement ‘Based on who I am, I feel valued and respected’. Some of the initiatives we have taken in the year include:
- To celebrate International Women’s Day, our March Biscuit Briefing was taken over by a team of talented women leaders from across our business who gave updates from across their areas of expertise.
- Also as part of International Women’s day, Bush & Co. launched their ‘This is Me’ campaign across LinkedIn which aimed to give a greater insight into the lives and challenges facing the women of Bush & Co.
- A celebration of Pride month through various office events throughout the month. This included saying goodbye to the dress code for a day and inviting staff to dress in an outfit of their choice that made them feel joyous and best represented themselves. We also shared educational articles on Totem, our staff engagement platform, and invited employees to update their pro-nouns on their email signature.
- We continued to tailor our recruitment processes to appeal to a wider range of candidates and made sure that every role was internally advertised on Totem ensuring that all employees are given the opportunity to apply.
The Group is committed to providing equal opportunities for all and has an equal opportunities policy which employees are able to access.