Giving Back
A business that trades in isolation can never be a true part of the society or local community in which it operates. The Group recognises the importance of involvement and engagement with the audiences we serve, and in the communities in which we work.
The Environment
NAHL Group plc is conscious of its environmental impact and the need for all businesses to play their part in minimising their impact on the environment and creating sustainable business practices. With this in mind, the following directives were undertaken during the year:
- The idea of the ‘Triple Bottom Line’ was further embedded into our company culture through our Biscuit Briefings and One Team conferences. This was done through briefings with a particular emphasis on environmental matters as well as all One Team days covering the topic of the environment as well as general business updates.
- Our workforce is now 60% hybrid/remote and 2023 saw the introduction of our Northern One Team conferences where we sought to reduce the travel impact of our Northern-based colleagues having to travel long distances to Kettering by hosting the conference at a more local site and encouraging car-share/use of public transport.
We continued with our mission to grow our forest through our continued partnership with a company to plant trees in Madagascar. In 2023, the Group funded the planting of 750 new trees and now has 1,213 trees in our forest which should result in c. 364 tonnes of CO2 being sequestered over their lifetime. We combined the planting of new trees over the summer with a range of inspiring initiatives including a tree for every 5 star Trust Pilot review, for every claim settled, and for every ‘Planet Proud’ photo submitted as part of a photo competition we ran in August as well as continuing to plant a tree for each new employee joining our business during the year.
Our Communities
The Group offers all employees one community day per year and in 2023, to support this initiative the Group once again partnered with ‘The Green Patch’, a large community garden project, based in Kettering. Overall, around 60 members of staff took their community day during the year donating c. 450 hours of their time to projects they hold a particular passion for. The Consumer Legal Services and Group finance teams took the opportunity to use their community days together and build their team relationships by undertaking a day with the Green Patch over the summer. During the day the teams spent their time litter picking, watering the garden, preparing the orchard for Autumn and making jam from fruit grown on the site.
Our 2023 P2L intake were also tasked with a charity fund raising challenge whereby they were split into teams with each team being tasked with raising money for a charity of their choice. Activities included bake sales, car washing and a charity sky dive with the teams raising £2,500 between them which was then matched by the Group. We also continued to run our ‘Future Legal Minds’ competition which aims to support young people at the start of their legal careers. Prizes are awarded to 1 finalist and 2 runners up and include monetary prize funds, features in publications crowned as ‘The Future Legal Mind of 2023’ and mentoring sessions in with our in-house lawyers.
“The charity fundraiser challenge as part of the P2L course was a really brilliant bonding and team building experience with some of my fellow P2Lers. We had so much fun raising money for a great cause, and felt so honoured that our colleagues across the company wanted to join in with us and donate money for the activities we put on.”